Episode 432: Managing Smaller and Medium-Sized Projects (Free)

Today, I don’t have a full interview for you. I have something better. I have a free book on how to manage small and medium-sized projects for you.
The free eBook you are going to get is titled "Managing Smaller and Medium-Sized Projects" and was written by Dr Jim Young, PMP, FNZIM (http://www.skillpower.co.nz/ - LinkedIn Profile).
If you use a podcast app to download and listen to our interviews, then the book has very likely already been downloaded by the app for you. It is a PDF document and you should see it as a separate episode of your subscription of The PM Podcast. If not, then please click on the download button above.
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Episode Transcript
Below are the first few pages of the transcript. The complete transcript is available to Premium subscribers only.
Podcast Introduction
Cornelius Fichtner: In this episode of The Project Management Podcast™, you are going to get a free ebook on how to manage smaller and medium-sized projects.
Cornelius Fichtner: Hello and welcome back to The Project Management Podcast™ at www.pm-podcast.com. This is Episode 432 and I am Cornelius Fichtner. Thank you for joining us.
Today, I don’t have a full interview for you. I have something even better. I have a free ebook for you. It is titled “Managing Smaller and Medium-Sized Projects” and was written by none other than Dr. Jim Young.
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So as I said, the free ebook you are going to get is “Managing Smaller and Medium-Sized Projects” by Dr. Jim Young. He asked me to mention that he acknowledges with sincere appreciation the contribution from numerous clients, students, colleagues, friends and project practitioners. Their sometimes unwitting input has been invaluable. He is particularly indebted to Dr. Russell Radford, a valued friend, fellow author and former military colleague for his expert scrutiny of the draft book and to his wife, Esmeralda, and the younger daughter, Emma, for tolerating all this writing silliness.
If you use a Podcast app to download and listen to our Podcast then the book has very likely already been downloaded by the app for you. It is a PDF document and you should see it as a separate episode of The PM Podcast. If not then please visit www.pm-podcast.com. Go to Episode 432 and click on the download link.
And now, let’s take a look at the book that we have for you.
Let me begin with some of the books highlights in no particular order. It is free and 240 pages long. So it’s not just a little ebook. This is a full-featured textbook. It is expertly researched and written in an approachable way and includes many images, graphics, tables and flowcharts that make things come alive.
In fact, the first two chapters of the book represent quite a solid introduction to project management. Chapter One is called “Introductory Stuff” and it introduces us to the notion of what a project actually is and how they are generally performed.
Chapter Two is called “The Principles, Processes, Terminology, Roles, Responsibilities, Leadership and Challenges.” Yeah, it’s a long title and it devotes 18 pages to these seven topics and it takes us through them one by one.
Above are the first few pages of the transcript. The complete transcript is available to Premium subscribers only. Please subscribe to our Premium Podcast to receive a PDF transcript.
PDUs: Ways of Working, Free eBook, Podcast Episodes Recommended PM Books, Small Projects, Medium-sized Projects, Project Management Methodology
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