Episode 119: SharePoint for Project Management
Have you ever seen Microsoft SharePoint? And after you saw it, did you feel like this was a tool that you’d like to use in order to manage your projects? If the answer is no then you are like most companies who don’t understand MS SharePoint’s power and use it simply to share documents or spreadsheets. That is where the book “SharePoint for Project Management” comes into play. It demonstrates how SharePoint can also help you organize and manage complex projects.
In today’s episode we welcome Dux Raymond Sy, who is the author of SharePoint for Project Management. It turned out that in the interview we talked less about the book and more about the fact that the most important factor of solid project management are the processes that need to be in place first and that the book & SharePoint are just tools to help you eliminate waste.
We also talk to Jennifer Girdish who is the content editor of our Gizmo: PM Boulevard [Update: the template website is no longer available, so we removed the link] .
We are giving away two copies of Dux's book SharePoint for Project Management - listen in to hear how to participate.
And the winners of our last promotional giveaway are:
- Tom Verghese's Book The Invisible Elephant: Fernando Lenga from Buenos Aires, Argentina and Robert Bessette (Premium Subscriber)
- Tom Verghese's CD Raising Your Cultural IQ: Otba Alsboul, from Ryad in the UAE
- Tom Verghese's recording Sourcing Across Cultures: CD: Sayyed Saheer, Tumba Sweden & DVD Amane Nakayama (Premium Subscriber)
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