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Special: The PMO Podcast Episode 100

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The Project Management PrepCast

Special: The PMO Podcast Episode 100 This week, The Project Management Podcast™ proudly presents to you the 100th episode of The PMO Podcast™ , which is produced by Mark Perry from BOT International. Here is what Mark writes about the episode:

The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story
This week The PMO Podcast™ Featured Story presents, "Project Portfolio Management Deployment Guidelines, an interview with Dr. Ginger Levin", presented by Mark Perry, host of The PMO Podcast™. Is your organization considering implementing project portfolio management or refreshing its approach to PPM? Dr. Ginger Levin provides deployment guidelines for PPM, insights, and ideas helpful and applicable to just about any organization seeking to manage project portfolios.

The PMO Podcast™ Points Memo
The PMO Podcast Points Memo suggests, “It's not luck." Whether a competitor in sports, a leader of a business, or a head of a PMO, success or lack there of is seldom an act of chance. It takes a lot of work and no sooner do you get things going well, than you are faced with change and the need to refine that which you have just spent quite a bit of time and effort defining in the first place.

The PMO Podcast™ Mailbag
The PMO Podcast Mailbag provides the ninth in a series of ten tips for setting up a PMO.


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Episode 069: Six Sigma... at a Bank?

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 069: Six Sigma... at a Bank? Sigma is the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet and the lower case sigma (σ) is the symbol used to depict the quality management approach Six Sigma (6σ). Six Sigma is a system that was originally developed by Motorola to systematically improve manufacturing processes by eliminating defects. It was defined as a metric for measuring defects and improving quality as well as a methodology to reduce defect levels below 3.4 defects per million. Six Sigma has come a long way and is a respected methodology. Our guest today, is Steven West, who is a Six Sigma Black Belt and works for a financial services company. We explore the Six Sigma program of his company, the projects that he has worked on and learn what being a Black Belt has done for him.

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Episode 068: There is a Project Management Book Inside of You!

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 068: There is a Project Management Book Inside of You! Who defines what project management is? We all do. Some of you may have a blog and you publish your thoughts on project management that way. Or you discuss a methodology with a friend over lunch. Some introduce papers with exciting new ideas to attendees at conferences or give a presentation at their professional organization's monthly meeting. Others again write articles for newsletters or magazines. Then there are those who produce podcasts or discuss project management through other media. All of us define the current and future state of project management. And then there is Jerry Manas, PMP, President and founder of The Marengo Group, LLC ( and who like many others decided to write a project management book. And it's the process of writing a project management related book that we are going to explore with Jerry today. Being a good project manager, he has a lessons learned file that he opens up for us. We hear how he came up with the idea, how he organized it, how he found a publisher, what it takes to publicize the book and what it felt like to hold the first copy in his hands.

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Special: PM Lessons Learned Episode 4 on Scope Control

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The Project Management PrepCast

Special: PM Lessons Learned Episode 4 on Scope Control This week, The Project Management Podcast proudly presents to you the latest episode of the PM Lessons Learned Podcast, which is produced by Henry Will. Here is what Henry writes about the episode:

The Conference Call from 17 Aug 2006 was on the subject of "Scope Control - Handling The Scope Creep That Plagues Us All" as presented by Steven Blais, PMP. We took a look at project scope management. Scope control covers a lot of different topics, but one of the main aims is to avoid scope creep in project management. To understand that, we have to first look at what is scope in project management, and then cover how we can best control it effectively to get the most successful outcomes for our work.

Our PM Resources:

  • SdB+PM Forum - [Update: the website is no longer available, so we removed the link]
  • Ways to get PDUs
  • Ways to study for the PMP
  • Job seekers:

Career Segment: The Four Steps of Career Management as presented by Rod Colon of the ETP Network.

Join our Yahoo group for details and reminders of the call and other information to help you. is all about PMs helping PMs and is open to all. Visit us at [Update: The web page is no longer available so we removed the link]


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Episode 067: PMI's PDU Secrets

Note: The information in this podcast episode is OUTDATED. PMI introduced another update to the PDU structure in 2015. Please visit our PDU page where you will always find the most updated information in regards to earning PDUs from The PM Podcast.

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 067: PMI's PDU Secrets As a project manager you have to be many things. You have to be a great communicator, a leader, a visionary, and be able to both build and inspire the team, to name just a few. First and foremost, however, you have to be proactive. You employ strategies to plan the future in order to proactively minimize risk on your projects so that you can deliver on time and on budget. Why then is it that when November comes around you can hear a collective groan rise from the community of PMPs as they ask, where they could quickly get 20, 30 or even 40 or more PDUs before the year is through? Is this simply a case of the cobbler’s children having no shoes? No. I think that this is an acute case of not proactively trying to understand the PMI’s re-certification requirements. As we publish this episode on The Project Management Podcast™, it is about seven months before the end of the year, and we want to help you today to understand the PMP recertification process and how you can very easily gain those PDUs before year’s end.

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Episode 066: I hate my project - I hate my colleagues. Please motivate me!

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Episode 066: I hate my project - I hate my colleagues. Please motivate me!Listener Alexander Maslyukov wrote in and said "In my company there are functional managers who have the power. Functional managers assign salary, bonuses and have responsibilities for promotion of the employees. PMs don't have any instruments to force stuff to do everything. The only way to make the team to do something is to persuade them. But how can we motivate people?" In response to Alexander's question we are going to delve into motivation today. We review the various motivational theories, look at how to see if motivation is a problem on your project, what you can do to motivate and energize your project team on a shoestring and we end it with James R. Chapman's very elegant Motivation Triangle. Please consult the Helpful Resources to find links to the white papers and presentations mentioned in today's episode.

Are you studying for the PMP exam? Then subscribe to The Project Management PrepCast™ at and study by listening with your iPod.

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Episode 065: BS and MBA in Project Management

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The Project Management Learning Center

Josh Nankivel In Episode 062 we asked Thomas Cutting to answer the question “How can I become a Project Manager?” Today, we continue this topic with our interview Guest Josh Nankivel. In his career Josh found a love for project management and decided to go back to school and get academic training in PM. He is currently going to school and will receive his Bachelors degree in PM in about a year. After that he will continue with his studies and begin his MBA with a focus on project management. In our interview, we look at how Josh applies his academic training to his everyday work, discuss if there are differences between what he is being taught and what he actually sees in the workplace, take a look at his blog , and want to know from him what academia and the private sector can do in order to help the PM profession grow as a whole.

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Episode 064: Avoid Communications Chaos - Use the Communications Plan as a Strategic Tool

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 064: Avoid Communications Chaos - Use the Communications Plan as a Strategic Tool Too often in our rush to produce deliverables the communications plan is overlooked. This happens everywhere, even in companies that have formal project management methodologies. On the outset of your project you might have all the best intentions and take the time to create a communications plan. But as the project progresses and day to day issues come your way the communications plan is drifting ever more into the background. Your communications aren’t managed, new stakeholders aren’t added to the list of recipients and all that remains is a nagging feeling that you are forgetting something. That’s the story, when you use the communications plan as a tactical tool. But what if you approached it strategically? What if you took the time and really managed your communications against the plan? Might there even be benefits? Margaret Meloni answers this question with a resounding “Yes!”, which is why she is our guest today. And to help you along with your communications management plan, we have three helpful resources that help you define that plan for small, medium and larger projects. But most importantly, we announce the winners of the giveaway for two one-year subscriptions to The Project Management PrepCast™ .

Click here to read Margaret's article titled "Avoid Communications Chaos" (*.pdf)


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Episode 063: How do Risk Attitudes Affect your Project?

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 063: How do Risk Attitudes Affect your Project?A Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives. There are many hard tools out there that tell you how to identify your risks, how to quantify them, how to define their impact on the project and what you can do in order to avoid or mitigate them. But how do you and the stakeholders on your project react to risks? Do risks frighten you or do they invigorate you? And what risk approach will a frightened project manager take versus the approach that an invigorated one takes? This discussion is at the core of Risk Attitudes. We are honored to welcome Janice Preston, PMP, on our program today to explore the four basic risk attitudes. Janice was a contributor to the risk section of both the 1996, 2000 and 2004 version of the PMBOK® Guide and as such very qualified to look into this with us. As always we have Helpful Resources that complement this interview.

If you are currently studying to take the PMP® exam, then listen in and learn how you can win a free, one-year subscription to our sister podcast The Project Management PrepCast™, where you can learn the tools & techniques you need to know in order to prepare to take the PMP exam.

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Episode 062: How can I become a Project Manager?

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 062: How can I become a Project Manager? "How can I become a project manager?" This is the question that we get asked most often here at The Project Management Podcast™. We tried to answer each email individually, but also decided that this would be a great topic for our program.

We looked and found Thomas Cutting ( who discusses this question with us today. Thomas' blog is one of many social media for project managers resources.

In the interview, we look at Thomas' own career but also take a generic look at possible PM career paths. There are many options for you to consider as a career, whether your interest is in construction, fashion, engineering, healthcare, or a particular method, like waterfall or you could take the role of project manager in SAFe agile environments and explore your interests that way.

We discuss the value of experience vs. certification and working as a PM in-house or for a consulting firm. Project manager coaching and mentoring is one way to reflect on what the right career path for you might be. If you are currently studying to take the PMP® exam, then listen in and learn how you can win a free, one-year subscription to our sister podcast The Project Management PrepCast™, where you can learn the tools & techniques you need to know in order to prepare to take the PMP exam.

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Episode 061: The Value of Quality

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The Project Management PrepCast

Episode 061: The Value of Quality Most often business applications do not have to achieve the same level of quality, accuracy, and consensus or be as fault free as many aerospace, defense or medical-related systems. That isn’t to imply they don’t strive for excellence and accuracy, only that it can be tolerated better. As a result, there are different priorities placed on quality and the use of disciplined approaches that demand a lot of up front time. In today's episode of The Project Management Podcast™ we welcome Inez Marino to discuss with her approaches that employ such an up-front time commitment that many businesses do not believe they can afford to spend. We also look at the importance of high quality requirements on your projects. Our two Helpful Resources complement this discussion.

Click here to download the presentation (*.pdf) mentioned during the interview. (Click here if the document appears empty .)

We apologize for the "hiccups" in the recording at the start of the interview.

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Episode 060: Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome

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TMJ Our host Cornelius Fichtner, PMP,  has fallen ill with Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ). This is a condition of facial pain in the joints of the lower jaw. The abbreviation "TMJ" literally refers to the joint itself, although it is often used to refer to the disorder (TMD). This means that he has a difficult time speaking because the jaw hurts when moved. For the host of a podcast, having a hard time speaking is a great misfortune. But what would it mean to you as a project manager, if you were diagnosed with TMJ? Could you still do your job without being able to easily communicate? Listen in to what experience Cornelius has had with this.

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Episode 059: Overcoming Team Dysfunction

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Episode 059: Overcoming Team DysfunctionThe dynamics of teams can be challenging. So what does it take to get a team to truly work together as a well-oiled machine?  This is the question that we explore with Diane Altwies, PMP, of She brings together the theory of team dynamics and offers some real-world advice in dealing with dysfunctional teams. We look at what the effects of a dysfunctional team are and discuss some ways in which you can change that. Starting this week, our helpful resources not only complement our main topic, we also begin taking a look at the podcasts that our host Cornelius Fichtner listens to in his spare time. Oh.... and did we mention that The Project Management Podcast™ now has over 500,000 downloads?

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Episode 058?: Out Takes

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Cornelius Fichtner, PMP Today we are not going to look at project management. Instead, we will be looking at bleepers and bloopers because this is the "Out Takes Show". Have you ever wondered how much goes wrong, when we record an episode? The answer is: Too much. To close out the year, here are a few minutes of memorable and not so memorable moments from The Project Management Podcast™ when things went not according to plan. Listen to all the ahhs and umhs that we had to cut out of the regular program and which you were never really meant to hear.

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Episode 057: Critical Chain Project Management

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Download "The Five Diseases of Project Management" (*.PDF) by clicking here.

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Episode 057: Critical Chain Project Management Are you struggling to get your projects done on schedule? Are you looking for a better, more profitable way to get things done? Then maybe you should take a look at Critical Chain Project Management. CCPM was developed based on Eliyahu Goldratt's Theory of Constraints and it is the main topic of today's episode of The Project Management Podcast™. We welcome Allan Elder, PMP, of to discuss Critical Chain Project Management. We look at why our projects are late and how the Critical Chain approach will benefit you. Allan can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We also announce the winners of our book giveaway who each have won one copy of Quentin Flemings "Project Procurement Management". PMP® credential holders can claim 1 category 2-SDL PDU for listening to today's episode.

Click here to download Alan's white paper The Five Diseases of Project Management (*.pdf)...

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Cornelius Fichtner
Cornelius Fichtner
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, is the host and the author at The Project Management Podcast. He has welcomed hundreds of guests and project management experts to the podcast and has helped over 60,0000 students prepare for their PMP® Exam. He has authored dozens of articles on and PM World 360. He speaks at conferences around the world about project management, agile methodology, PMOs, and Project Business. Follow him on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn.

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PM PrepCast, Agile PrepCast, PM Exam Simulator, PDU Podcast, PM Podcast are marks of OSP International LLC. PMI, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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