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Episode 191: PM Leadership Tools: Adaptive Project Leadership (Project Leadership Series) (Free)

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Episode 191: PM Leadership Tools: Adaptive Project Leadership (Project Leadership Series) (Free)So far in our Leadership Podcasts Series we have first heard Rick Valerga and Thomas Juli who are both authors on project leadership discuss their leadership models on expectation management and leadership principles. Then we spoke with Andy Kaufman and we learned how to develop our own leadership skills and those of our team - including the appropriate worksheets for our premium listeners..

Now... it’s time for some hands on project leadership tools.

Enter Susanne Madsen ( and learn about adaptive project leadership.

Adaptive project leadership is a project leadership tool that will help you identify the appropriate leadership style for your project team members. Just like every project is unique, so are your team members. Your leadership style has to follow suit.

As a special bonus item, Susanne is sharing some free leadership tools. She is making her adaptive leadership white paper and worksheet available to all our listeners. We’re discussing the matrix from this paper in the interview, so you may want to take a look at the filled in matrix on page 3 first. You can manually download the worksheet from in episode 191. However, if you use Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or any other app to subscribe to and download our podcasts, then you will very likely already see this file on your computer.

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Episode 190: Every Project is a Social Network (Premium)

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Michael KrebsRobert SzilinskiIn last week’s episode we gave you tips, tricks and lessons learned how you can improve your project communications with proper use of modern tools. Call them social media tools, call them enterprise 2.0 tools, call them whatever you want. But at the core of using them is the understanding that many problems on projects can be avoided with proper communication and collaboration within your project team.

But there are still unsolved problems on our projects.

In this second interview with Robert Szilinski and Michael Krebs ( and we talk about the need for a flatter top-down hierarchie, combining Agile with waterfall, using enhanced social media concepts for project management and other ways of integrating social media tools into enterprise project management.


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Episode 192: PM Leadership Tools: Be The Project Champion (Project Leadership Series) (Premium)

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PMP Exam Simulator

Episode 192: PM Leadership Tools: Be The Project Champion (Project Leadership Series) (Premium)This interview from our PM Podcast Project Leadership Series is another one that I did with Susanne Madsen ( The project leadership tool that we look at today is... Be The Project Champion.

So you might be wondering what the difference is between a project leader and a project champion? Or whether being a leader doesn’t automatically include the champion aspect? Well... I did too.

The answers to these questions and more will be revealed in today's installment of our leadership podcasts series.

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Episode 189: Tips, Tricks & Lessons Learned for Social Media in Project Management (Free)

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Michael KrebsRobert SzilinskiWhat would you say is the biggest problem on projects today? Is it the ever increasing complexity? Is it project sponsors who are absent?  Is it the impossible expectations that our customers have?

Robert Szilinski and Michael Krebs ( and say that it’s neither of these. Instead, our top problems are all internal to our project teams. They are communication, collaboration and integration of all team members and their knowledge into the overall project.

Robert and Michael’s answer to help improve project management is to enable our teams to work on a level that is more integrated, based on sharing and trust. Much of this in connection with Social media tools for project management. We’ll get a ton of tips, tricks and lessons learned from how they have used these social media tools on projects.

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Episode 188: Enterprise 2.0 Tools for Project Managers (Premium)

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PMP Exam Simulator

Episode 188: Enterprise 2.0 Tools for Project Managers (Premium)The toolkit for project managers in the area of Enterprise 2.0 (often also called Social Media Project Management Tools) is vast. We have wikis, blogs, networking tools, microblogging, videos, podcasts. It’s a sheer endless list of tools that our project participants suddenly expect us to use and be proficient in on our projects.

But where should you start? How should you start? Which tool is appropriate for which task and (almost more importantly) for which target audience. These are just some of the topics that we touch upon in our 2nd interview with Dennis Brooke on Enterprise 2.0 Tools for Project Managers.

We’ll even look at the questions of “Isn't this whole Enterprise 2.0 /Social Media stuff not simply just a gimmick?” and how do we get people to change and use the tools properly?

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Episode 187: Project Management Concepts for Enterprise 2.0 (Free)

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Episode 187: Project Management Concepts for Enterprise 2.0 (Free)Let’s be honest with each other. Last week, when you finished your project status report... how did you distribute it to the intended audience? You sent it via email... right?

Well, that is SO internet 1.0.

Our interview guest today is Dennis Brooke ( who’s passion it is to help you adopt Enterprise 2.0 project management tools and move you into the 21st century. At his website you can read stories about life, business, and even project management

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Episode 186 (Audio): The Agile Manifesto for Project Managers (Free)

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In this episode of The Project Management Podcast we are going to review "The Manifesto for Agile Software Development". It is better known by the simpler name The Agile Manifesto and you can find it at

The focus of our review of the manifesto is (of course) going to be on agile project management - in particular: what does the manifesto and its 12 principles mean for our work as PMs in an Agile environment.

I hear from a lot of project managers wanting scrum agile project management training, and before you move on to the more advanced topics, it's important to get the foundations right, which is exactly what this episode will help with.

I am going to give you my personal thoughts on this by analyzing the manifesto itself and then looking at each of the 12 principles and relating them to a PM's work. Whether you are using scrum project management, or have taken on the role of project manager in SAFe Agile or are working (or plan to work) in any other agile environment, this episode is a great introduction to the basic principles.

This episode is available both as a video and also as an audio-only version. Stop by at to download the version you want. Agile project management with scrum is a growing topic for agile practitioners, so this episode is one you won't want to miss!

Correction: At 19:45 I attribute the "Theory Y" to Ouchi. That is incorrect. "Theory Y" is from McGregor.

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Episode 186 (Video): The Agile Manifesto for Project Managers (Free)


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The PDU Podcast

In this episode of The Project Management Podcast we are going to review "The Manifesto for Agile Software Development". It is better known by the simpler name The Agile Manifesto and you can find it at

The focus of our review of the manifesto is (of course) going to be on agile project management - in particular: what does the manifesto and it's 12 principles mean for our work as PMs in an Agile environment. I am going to give you my personal thoughts on this by analyzing the manifesto itself and then looking at each of the 12 principles and relating them to a PM's work.

This episode is available both as a video and also as an audio-only version. Stop by at to download the version you want.

Correction: At 19:45 I attribute the "Theory Y" to Ouchi. That is incorrect. "Theory Y" is from McGregor.

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Episode 185 How to Develop Your Project Team’s Leadership Skills (Project Leadership Series) (Premium)

This episode is reserved for subscribers of the Premium Podcast. Learn how to subscribe to the Premium Podcast to access this interview and transcript...

This episode is sponsored by The PMP Exam Simulator:
PMP Exam Simulator

Episode 185 How to Develop Your Project Team’s Leadership Skills (Project Leadership Series) (Premium)

In this premium episode we are going to continue to develop project leadership skills. But not just anybody’s skills. We are focusing on what you and I can do as project leaders in order to enable our own project teams to take more leadership responsibilities. After all, one important trait of a project leader is that she or he helps others on the road to leadership. We'll also learn some tips you can use to grow your leadership skills as well.

My guest is Andy Kaufmann, PMP from The  Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development ( and In the last episode of our leadership podcasts series, all our premium listeners received a free copy of his two Leadership Appraisal worksheets. If you are a premium listener and you haven’t seen those yet, please take another look at episode 184 and look for the PDF documents. For this interview on team leadership development Andy is offering his Team Charter worksheet to you. All paying, premium subscribers can download the PDF and use it the next time they have a team kick off meeting.

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Episode 184: How to Develop Your Leadership Skills (Project Leadership Series) (Free)

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PMP Exam Simulator

Episode 184: How to Develop Your Leadership Skills (Project Leadership Series) (Free)In today’s episode we continue our PM Podcast project leadership series. I have invited Andy Kaufman, PMP from The  Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development ( and to discuss how each and everyone of you could go about to develop your project management leadership skills.

In this episode of our leadership podcasts interview series, Andy and I discuss how project management differs from project leadership, if a project leader needs subject matter expertise, why he recommends that we develop capability in our teams and of course he gives us his tips on developing project leadership skills.

As a special gift to our premium listeners, Andy is making two Leadership Appraisal worksheets available to our premium listeners. You’ll get both the self appraisal and the others appraisal form. One is for you to fill in and one is to give to your peers, team members or boss to fill in.  So... if you are a premium listener: thank you very much for suppoprting the podcast financially and please check your podcast app for these 2 PDF documents. (Note: These worksheets are not available on our website or via the free podcast. They are delivered via your paid, premium podcast subscription feed.)

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Episode 183: The PM Podcast PDU Logfile (Free)

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Download The PM Podcast PDU Logfile (XLSX) and track each episode you listen to. The better you document your learning activities the more you can give evidence to PMI that you have indeed subscribed and listened to The PM Podcast during an audit. Please click here for everything you need to know about earning Free PDUs from The PM Podcast...

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Episode 182 Premium: Improving Your Virtual Project Meetings - One Tweet at a Time (Premium)

This episode is reserved for subscribers of the Premium Podcast. Learn how to subscribe to the Premium Podcast to access this interview and transcript...

This episode is sponsored by The PMP Exam Simulator:
PMP Exam Simulator

Wayne TurmelIn this premium episode of The PM Podcast we you get to hear more of Wayne Turmel’s wisdom on improving your presentations.

But not just any kind of presentations... Remember that Wayne is the president of, which means, that the one thing he knows more about than most of us is... well... how to lead great web meetings and how to ensure that our virtual meetings are  without mistakes. That’s why my first question to Wayne is what he thinks are the greatest mistakes we make when giving virtual presentations.

The we will once again open up his latest book “#PRESENTATION tweet - 140 Ways to Present with Impact” and we will look in detail at a dozen or so tips on virtual presentations in more detail.

Of course, we are also doing a book giveaway and we have 2 copies of Wayne’s book. As always: 1 copy is reserved for our premium listeners and one copy is raffled off via our facebook fan page. So go to, find the post with this book giveaway and leave a comment to participate in the giveaway.

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Episode 181: Improving Your Project Presentations - One Tweet at a Time

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PMP Exam Simulator

Episode 181: Improving Your Project Presentations - One Tweet at a TimeSo tell me... how often do you as a project manager need to give a presentation? This could be as simple as adressing your team during a team meeting, facilitating a telephone conference with your customers, giving a formal status update to your sponsors or customers or even doing a web based meeting. If I look back at my work as a PM I probably had to do this at least two to three times every single week. And I assume that it’s very similar for you as well.

That is why I’ve gone ahead and invited Wayne Turmel ( to the program today. Wayne has been teaching how you can excel at giving presentations for many years and he has published several books on the topic. The latest one is called “#PRESENTATION tweet - 140 Ways to Present with Impact”. The book is full of tweets on improving your presentations and you can find it at

We have selected 12 of these tweets for today’s interview with Wayne and he goes much, MUCH deeper into each topic.

Of course, we are also doing a book giveaway and we have 2 copies of Wayne’s book. As always: 1 copy is reserved for our premium listeners and one copy is raffled off via our facebook fan page. So go to, find the post with this book giveaway and leave a comment to participate in the giveaway.

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Cornelius Fichtner
Cornelius Fichtner
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, is the host and the author at The Project Management Podcast. He has welcomed hundreds of guests and project management experts to the podcast and has helped over 60,0000 students prepare for their PMP® Exam. He has authored dozens of articles on and PM World 360. He speaks at conferences around the world about project management, agile methodology, PMOs, and Project Business. Follow him on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn.

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